Thursday, December 20, 2012

I really want to do something like this with the light table for maybe my breath.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Taking pictures in DC for the next part of my project with about four girls so I want to do something like this.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

So I FINALLY settled on a concentration idea after changing it like a billion times......

The Ballerina Project
These are the photos that I'm basing my photos on, and so i'm going to use Tess and Elizabeth and take them to DC to the monuments and places with graffiti and what not and have them dressed in platter tutus and super frilly costumes and pointe shoes to make the contrast.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So I've decided that I need to change my concentration because all my photos look like a word I can't use on a school blog and I hate them all and I hate everything. So if anyone has any suggestions it would be super great and I would give you my eternal love.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So I went apple picking over the weekend, and the farm we went to also had a petting zoo and these goats kept trying to eat our stuff. The black one literally tried to climb out of it's pen to get our apples and then the black and white baby one kept trying to bite Abby's coat and hairband.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

So I changed my project to include all different kinds of perspective like worm's eye view, bug's eye view well as forced perspective so yeah.

Monday, October 1, 2012

"We send these kids off to war -- we make them see things people otherwise wouldn't have to see. Then we expect them to come back and behave like the rest of us. It's breaking my heart." -Christopher Griffin

"In today's community of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, one in five suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or major depression. Brian Scott Ostrom is one of them. After serving four years as a reconnaissance marine and deploying twice to Iraq, Scott, now 27, returned home to the U.S. with a severe case of PTSD. "The most important part of my life already happened. The most devastating. The chance to come home in a box. Nothing is ever going to compare to what I've done, so I'm struggling to be at peace with that," Scott said. He attributes his PTSD to his second deployment to Iraq, where he served seven months in Fallujah with the 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion. "It was the most brutal time of my life," he said. "I didn't realize it because I was living it. It was a part of me." Since his discharge, Scott has struggled with daily life, from finding and keeping employment to maintaining healthy relationships. But most of all, he's struggled to overcome his brutal and haunting memories of Iraq. Nearly five years later, Scott remains conflicted by the war. Though he is proud of his service and cares greatly for his fellow Marines, he still carries guilt for things he did and didn't do fighting a war he no longer believes in." -Craig F. Walker, Pulitzer Prize winner

The thing that really gets me when I see these photos is the emotion. The fact that all the emotion you see in Brian's face is actually what he's feeling and what he's going through, especially the fourth photo. Most of the time when looking at emotional photography it's evident that the emotions were staged, but with these pictures, and the back story, I don't know, it just really got to me.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I took this photo when I was at the beach over the summer and I just really like the contrast between the bright orange sun and the subdued and dull colors of the sky and water.

Friday, September 14, 2012


This is Benjamin, he's the son of my dance teacher and he's pretty much the most hilarious and adorable child I've ever spent time with (sorry Harper)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Forced Perspective

This is forced perspective, it's like optical illusions and what not. I think it's what I want to do for my concentration, but I'm not sure yet.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Only a few more weeks. Only a few more weeks. Only a few more weeks. Only a few more weeks. Only a few more weeks. Only a few more weeks. Only a few more weeks.